Blog Archives

They’ve got two corners and a safety that I know will all be in NFL camps.

Friday, November 21st, 2008


When I am bereft of blog-worthy material,

Tuesday, November 11th, 2008

Look who’s here!


That’s right: it is noted bachelor and baseball blogger Ben Hill, asleep at 10 AM on my very own couch even though he’s still ahead on east coast time.  The sleeping part is expected.  What is not expected is receiving a Ben call on a Sunday night and, through a heroic act of sponetnaiety, drinking with Ben on a Monday night.  There truly are no downsides to divorce.

Synonyms, antonyms, and vocabulary builders.

Sunday, May 4th, 2008

I seem to be back from the coast. The south coast. Of Lake Erie. Ben and Joe (barely) flew in from New York, I came in from Pittsburgh, and we all rendezvous-ed with Shal in his newish, possibly semi-permanent home. The night before, driving a Korean rental car upstate, I watched the aggressively uniform landscape of Ohio (is any part of this state uninhabited?) kind of give way to the sprawling, post-industrial mass bisected by river that is the greater Cleveland area. We spent most of time sprawling ourselves: in next-to-back row seats of a tight Indians/Yankees game, in corners of the kind of bars that pull you in with a seven thousand beer menu and keep you there with a Labatt special, and of course on Shal’s living room floor, where approximately one thirtieth of his media collection still fills an entire bookshelf two rows deep. Cleveland is a good place to hang out.

Then I got on the same United States Route 80 of my daily commute and drove East out of the state of Ohio and towards the state of squalor. I was headed to State College, Pennsylvania, where Danny was about to complete his last week ever of studying at the state college in question in a fantastically shitty shell of a house (further ravaged from a party the weekend before). At this point, studying is the generous description of what he does there, though we did wake up at 9:30 AM, after a night of watching DVDs in his warm bedroom, and slashed though a thicket of Ugg boots into middle campus to learn about monopoly. Later on, we went out with his friends to the kind of bars that pull you in with their $5 pitchers of bottom shelf liquor and keep you there because you are not physically free to leave. It was fun and it all made miss college. But not that much.

I completed my five hundred mile circle on PA Route 22 West, where central Pennsylvania transforms to western Pennsylvania via the Altoona Valley.  Freight trains still do things like chug up proud green hills and cross sturdy steel truss bridges here. Once in Pittsburgh, I tried to make the most of my time there by visiting PA’s superior state college, eating a kielbasi fried pirogi sandwich, pinball, and meeting up with Stef and Alicia, who spend less on their new mortgages than what I’m thinking about spending on a studio space. As Alicia’s pup was licking my face over a distracted game of Guitar Hero, I thought, she’s got a pretty nice life.

The Toronto Star has long been a “family newspaper.”

Sunday, September 30th, 2007

Just back from Joe’s mega-wedding in lower Manhattan. Here are some pictures:

[me and nowell]

me and Nowell






I doubt that we shall ever see such a comprehensive portrait.

Monday, February 19th, 2007

The rumors are true: Ben Hill and Aimee made a San Francisco pit stop to begin their mid-winter drive up the coast to Portland. They were a short twenty-two hours, but long enough to eat out three times and purchase two different quasi-legal drugs. For all his last minute-ness, it was Ben Hill‘s third visit to San Francisco. His first year out, Ben Hill was just reentering society, dazed and despondent after an autumn of skeleton shifts and nights on the couch. Ben Hill was on the move by the time of his second appearance, and on Saturday Ben Hill arrived married.

ben, aimee, and i

Nowell got involved for the unexpectedly good sushi feast on Saturday night and was a good sport the next morning, beating us to an early morning rendezvous at Sparky’s for breakfast. Later that day and as usual, he left us in awe of the new home that he and Sadie purchased that week. It is not so much a home as it is a compound, with square faucets and soaked in thick buttery sunlight on a pretty block in Cole Valley. It’s hard to imagine being unhappy there. Not that I was happy. Anyways, the weather was spectacular and there were plenty of glow in the dark tattoos to go around.


Ben Hill: A short Appreciation:

ben hill ben hill ben hill ben hill ben hill ben hill ben hill ben hill ben hill ben hill ben hill ben hill ben hill ben hill ben hill ben hill

Call it sleep.

Sunday, February 18th, 2007

guest blogger ben hill

As a the first guest blogger on the online juggernaut that is Feather2Pixels, I must immediately point out something that has been distressing me about the site. If one (say, me) types in “Ben Hill“into the search engine, NOTHING comes up.

Listen, I know Feather2Pixels is based on the West Coast, while I am based on the East. But this is the internet we’re talking about, the WORLDWIDE web. How can a supposedly good friend of the Feather2Pixels universe go so totally overlooked? Why are Tosh-I-o and the General and the Rascal and Morgan and Sara all major characters? They are pointless to me, as I do not know them.

Everything’s about me. Behind a guise of self-deprecation and unassuming low-key likeability, all I really want is to hear/read/intuit that people are talking/writing/thinking about me. Anything else is boring, really.

But, now, here I (and the wife, but I don’t like to read about the wife) am in San Fran. We’ll be spending all day here. Hopefully, much will happen that, events that will spur the “brains” behind this operation to make the much-more-compelling Ben Hill a frequent character in an otherwise melodramatic and self-obsessed narrative.

The continued relevance of Feather2Pixels in my day-to-day internet routine depends on it.

Close your eyes and sleep.

Wednesday, January 3rd, 2007

New York City:





Drain cleaners: the dangers you need to know about.

Sunday, December 24th, 2006

Christmas Eve. The most boring night of the year. I couldn’t even find an open grocery store, so instead of running an errand for my family I listened to Joanna Newsom’s new album the way it was meant to be heard: in a dark corner of the Super Fresh parking lot locked in my mom’s brand new SUV.

Joe and Anna announced their engagement at Rich’s Other Place on Friday, which is as good a place to tell your friends you are getting married as it is a place to cut high school. She wore black gloves until the unveiling and I am glad to report that Rich’s grilled corn muffins are back to the excellent standards of ten years ago. It was actually the first time I met Anna. Even if I didn’t like her, I would obviously never trash talk her on the internet, but she was friendly and I took to her right away. A smart woman makes her fiance’s best friends feel welcome. I can see what Joe sees in her.

After breakfast, Joe and I bowled a three game series and played six games of air hockey. He bowls with his dad’s old eighteen pound ball, heaving it in to the air as high as possible so that it lands with a left hook. When hit just right, it detonates the pins with a furious explosion to hell. Any other time it splits them. On Friday, though, he was rusty and I beat him with a reliable 13 pound house ball that apparently used to belong to a Chun C. Chung. Back at my house, we realized that Joe never signed my senior yearbook and so I handed him a pen and he got his big chance. I had almost forgot what it felt like to have friends who know the way to your house without directions. (Not to downplay the significance of Ben, who probably still needs a map for his own special reasons).

That night, Shal and Ammora joined us for drinks at the nation’s second largest mall, where she works (and had just personally completed $33,000 in home theater sales). Our server has a thick, juicy Philadelphia accent but there was an unsettling lack of smoke in the bar. Side note: apparently in Philadelphia proper, there is now an official smoking ban. I went down there last night with my cousin Rebecca to investigate and I am happy to report that at the Locust Bar–on tenth at Locust, where The Rascal and I used to get loaded when she was still nineteen–there is not only smoking, but an ashtray at each table.