Call it sleep.

guest blogger ben hill

As a the first guest blogger on the online juggernaut that is Feather2Pixels, I must immediately point out something that has been distressing me about the site. If one (say, me) types in “Ben Hill“into the search engine, NOTHING comes up.

Listen, I know Feather2Pixels is based on the West Coast, while I am based on the East. But this is the internet we’re talking about, the WORLDWIDE web. How can a supposedly good friend of the Feather2Pixels universe go so totally overlooked? Why are Tosh-I-o and the General and the Rascal and Morgan and Sara all major characters? They are pointless to me, as I do not know them.

Everything’s about me. Behind a guise of self-deprecation and unassuming low-key likeability, all I really want is to hear/read/intuit that people are talking/writing/thinking about me. Anything else is boring, really.

But, now, here I (and the wife, but I don’t like to read about the wife) am in San Fran. We’ll be spending all day here. Hopefully, much will happen that, events that will spur the “brains” behind this operation to make the much-more-compelling Ben Hill a frequent character in an otherwise melodramatic and self-obsessed narrative.

The continued relevance of Feather2Pixels in my day-to-day internet routine depends on it.

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