
Sunday, September 2nd, 2007

The Death Byke Stereo turned out to be a lot less loud outside, surrounded by rush hour traffic. I wouldn’t call it inaudible but, beyond a one bike radius, the Go Team definitely faded into the ether. To-shi-o was pretty disappointed: as a personal stereo it was brilliant, but he obviously had his sights set on bigger things. By the ride home, though, he was already brainstorming modifications and I admire his determination.

And the night wasn’t all defeat. We ran into Sylvia (from the Exploratorium), who helped us finish our water bottle of Jim Beam and who afterwards invited us East (Death Byke Stereo: satisfyingly loud in the BART station). People in the East Bay seem to be fascinated with life, death, and decay and in this way Sylvia’s place might be the most quintessentially East Bay apartment in the history of Oakland. It’s a vortex of plants, composts, found/made furniture, and quirky little messes. After a night of vegetable pizza and homemade beer, To-shi-o and I decided that it ruled.


Sunday, September 2nd, 2007
Here’s a 1 hour photo montage:
[the mass rides west]
ferry building
[taking a picture of the death byke stereo before the ride]
[model of uncool: helmet & no death byke stereo]
north beach
[riding through north beach]
street car
[passing a street car]
cable car
[incapacitating a fake cable car]
[this picture of alfonso came out interestingly]
[the light at the end of the broadway tunnel]
[death byke stereo gets stuck in a BART turnstile]