Functional, realistic, and things that work.

Tuesday, July 24th, 2012

I recently spent two weeks as destroyer-in-residence at the Breg-man family workshop in Santa Cruz, California, a wonderful coastal town with a seemingly inexhaustible supply of dreadlocked caucausions and aesthetically perfect fences.  Here are some of the items I completed during my time there.

Hillside Supperclub sign: Fabricated from reclaimed wood and carbon steel.  Screenprint to follow.

An armada of steel frames: For my imminent invasion of a gallery near you.

I must acknowledge the huge amount of assistance from Jonathan.  Without loads of his smithing assistance, this would not have been possible and  I would probably be in the hospital with third degree burns.  But not him:

[flv:welding.flv 320 240]

A picture could help here to render a diagnose.

Sunday, June 24th, 2012

The art of instant gratification has come a long way since 1977, but this peel-apart Polaroid of my parents and I taken this weekend is pretty much perfect.

An outside substance the body would normally would ignore.

Monday, May 14th, 2012

There were eight people at my house not too long ago and we all fit around the kitchen table for breakfast.   That day a reoccurring thought was there have never been eight people in this apartment before.  And there have definitely never been eight people around this particular kitchen table.  I have had the apartment for three years and the table for ten.   So it was with no shred of hesitation that I blew half the strategic reserves of Polaroid peel-apart film (now made by Fuji).  These three snaps seemed compelling enough to archive via scanning machine.  EB took the best one, I thought, on top here.  It’s from the autoimmune death trail that is north Bernal Hill.

You are not a law enforcement officer, nor a postal inspector, or operating under an assumed name or in cooperation with any criminal investigation.

Monday, April 16th, 2012

Special guest blogger: Michelle L Fischer

Unbelievable prices, so when are you going?

Tuesday, April 21st, 2009

This is a Polaroid taken during last weekend’s backpacking trip to Henry Coe State Park: land of endless wildflowers, land of eternal allergies.  What I will remember about this trip is that the days were hot, we were constantly surrounded by wild turkeys and there was a lot of mating going on.

the trail