Blog Archives

Adults typically weigh 45 to 60 pounds, but have been known to grow to 100 pounds.

Tuesday, August 17th, 2010

“You all know me
Still same old G
But I have been low key
Strongly disliked by most of these fellows with no means of personal motorized transportation,
No snowmobiles and no skis.”

Adapted from Dr. Dre, M.D.

Hello.  Welcome to the post in which I sheepishly acknowledge my conspicuous lack of online activity and do my best to atone.  I am still active.  I still remember my English.  I’ve just been reluctant to spend any more summer time than necessary in front of the computer.  Apparently, this reluctance does not extend to shopping for leather boots or streaming “Nightmare on Elm Street” to my bed.  But rest assured that in this particular struggle between mind and matter, I resolve that mind shall heretofore regain the upper hand to ultimately slay matter, separating head from body in however many bloody blows to the neck it takes to get this blog rolling again.

Did I mention that I was away for a while?  It’s true.  I can even prove it with this doctored cell phone picture from the Israeli-Syrian border:

And since then I have been in the studio, busy as an autistic beaver.  Six layer night-scene posters, second edition wood prints, t-shirts up the wazoo, a collaboration with Molly Martin and Torben Ulrich (Lars’ dad):  I have had my reticular webbed paws in a little bit of everything this summer.

And now I want to share it all with the world.  My plan is to post a little something every day or so until I am caught up.  By updating, I am confident that the world will be a changed place.    When you finally see all that I have been up to, I am confident that you will eventually click out of your browser and perhaps get a drink of water.

If you no longer require this review copy, please return it to Pearson Education.

Friday, March 5th, 2010

Earlier this week, the 24th Street Project was finally ready to be installed at the new Local Mission Eatery. So I bought a 6 pack, rallied some friends, and we spent six hours fastening a grid of 350 wood tiles to six enormous slabs of MDX.  Three days later the industrial grade glue still hasn’t come of our hands, but I have a warm feeling from knowing how dedicated my friends are in my time of need.

Thanks to:

  • Jim
  • Erin
  • To-Shi-O
  • Cat
  • Yaron (owner of Local Mission Eatery)
  • Laser

And now you shall witness the proceedings on this third rate video I made.  (Pay attention to the second part of the time lapse and you can see the inimitable Phil–proprietor of the legendary Philz coffee shop two doors down–look on with questionable approval)

[flv:24_install.flv 480 360]

I will be putting a ballot in each of your mailboxes this afternoon.

Friday, February 19th, 2010

It used to be that I was witness to a new kind of sport just about each time I was out at Ocean Beach.  By “new sport” I think I mean things in their garage people found to connect to kites.  You know:  long boards, short boards, card board.

Anyway I still hit up the city beaches on a regular basis, but a long time’s passed since I last discovered a new way that Californians fuck themselves up at the Ocean.  This stirred up wistfulness in my soul that wouldn’t go away.

Until last week:


Yes, that is a chariot and, yes, that horse did freak out and threaten to rear the shit out of me, Spartacus and anyone else in its way when an off-leash dog crossed its path a few seconds after these pictures were taken.

So everything is back to normal here and I love it.

Not only that, but last weekend the surf was crazy enough to kill you if the cavalry didn’t.  Enough, at least, for them to call to session the 2010 Mavericks competition .

I didn’t go to watch those surfers at Half Moon Bay, but EB and I checked out the scene at Baker Beach, where the waves were not as big as I remember, I guess.

[flv:waves_at_baker_beach.flv 480 360]

That way I can get going on the required purchases.

Monday, October 19th, 2009

This year I was in charge of organizing Cellspace open studios (to the extent that Cellspace can be organized). We had buttons, a cardboard stage, performance installations, and smoked Gouda. Some Korean students interviewed me on tape and I ate three burritos in 4o hours.  I screen printed a one layer poster for the occasion. Some other pictures:


Anyone who gets too close to her eggs will be pecked at.

Thursday, August 27th, 2009

Recently, I picked up a girl at a play and we went on a road trip through our country’s northern territories. These are the three things I learned in our attempt to connect with the land:

1 Hens can lay an egg every day.
2. Sea cucumbers breathe out of their assholes.
3. Honey is the only foodstuff that doesn’t spoil.

Should I be embarrassed that the highlights of our twenty-five day quest for enlightenment are essentially the results of a one minute Google session?


Is there a point in clicking the link to check out some post cards that we sent from the road, made with found materials and Mod Podge?

Probably not.

But if you notice that one is addressed to you, then you really should come and get it–for reasons too boring to get in to, they are all at my house in San Francisco.

Were they trying to comfort those patients — or hasten their deaths?

Tuesday, June 30th, 2009

I recently got the opportunity to collaborate with theater people. I know what you are thinking: attention starved morons willing to do anything to fit in. But it turns out that some people have really changed since I cemented my insecurity-driven stereotypes of them in ninth grade. And even though I secretly detest working with people smarter and more talented than me, the experience was quite cool.