This is obviously a difficult situation.

Bless me internet, for I have a confession to make.  I am not proud of my actions but I know that you will forgive me.  What have I done you ask, oh all knowing and sensible protocol of digital information transfer?   Well, I’m just going to write it quickly without thinking.  So here goes.   Judge me sympathetically.

Earlier this year, I sat in front of a computer for fifty hours and taught myself CSS and HTML.


Yes there were many other things of much greater importance that needed to get done than sitting in front of a computer for fifty hours and learning CSS and HTML.  And yes almost every other part my life including my art already involves sitting in front of a computer to a near depressing degree that hardly justifies the addition of leisure time.  But as the code of this sub-par website became more obsolete by the minute, my ego just couldn’t handle the unfaced challenge of acquiring the knowledge needed to thrust it from 1998 standards.  I knew nothing and, with the deed now done and in the words of Ben, I now know next to nothing.

Ostensibly, the purpose of this fools errand was to get a fresh internet start with documentation of my latest series, Valencia to Vermont.   And I guess the point of this post is to announce that the series is officially online, programmed kind of the right way, and ready for your onslaught of clicks.  Just remember, even the stuff that looks the same was made from scratch, it took me a long long time, and I am a stubborn asshole who would rather pretend he can learn anything than pay someone competent to do anything right.

Prepare to be underwhelmed.  I give you:    24 on 24 logo (The website)

One Response to “This is obviously a difficult situation.”

  1. Nowell Says:

    I too am a stubborn asshole who would rather pretend he can learn anything than pay someone competent to do anything right. That’s just how we roll, I suppose. 😉

    Kick ass, man! I stand in awe of your achievements- or maybe I’m just mildly impressed. Who knows? The point is that I appreciate your creative drive.

    And no, I have not forgotten that I still owe you $110 for the prints.

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