About (click on images to expand)
Valencia to Vermont is an installation that portrays the Mission District's Twenty Fourth Street in the year 2009. Spanning thirty feet, over three hundred oak panels are arranged in a grid around a series of multi-layer screen prints that depict each of the 24 intersections.

The project was commissioned by Local Mission Eatery in the Fall of 2009. Scheduled to open his new restaurant early the next year, owner Yaron Milgrom wanted to develop a centerpiece for the space that focused on the community of Twenty-Fourth Street. The idea of documenting each intersection in order was a strategy to address the highly linear space as well as an opportunity to depict the neighborhood with a degree of comprehensiveness. Coordinating with architects Kelli Franz and Seth Pare-Maye, we designed an installation that was influenced by the spirit of the neighborhood and incorporated materials relevant to the restaurant design.

To execute the project, I trained four outstanding people who helped me pull over one thousand prints over the course of a two month production schedule. The installation is permanently fixed on the eastern wall of Local Mission Eatery at 24th Street (in between Folsom and Shotwell).

Valencia to Vermont: 24th Street on Wood
By Jon Fischer

Guest Artists:
Erin Bregman
Jim Vail
Patrick Mathews
Michelle Chandra

With Assistance from:
Jonathan Bregman
Lee Hunter

Screen printed 2009-2010 at Cellspace

A very limited number of paper editions are available for sale. Contact me directly at jon [at] feather2pixels.com for more info.