You should hear a recording that says “Good-bye”.

We have approached the beginning of finals week at the Academy and it already feels like summer (although: it’s California–it always feels like summer). The sun is hot, the tides are strong, and the parking lots, depending I guess on one’s academic performance, are either half empty or half full. Graduation is on Saturday and the T.S. Golden Bear sets sail at 08:00 on Sunday . All hands must be present at 07:00. I got my cabin key and stopped in for a peek this afternoon. The room was unexpectedly huge with a private bathroom and a handsomely upholstered easy chair. Best of all, there was a recent Penthouse in the top drawer of the dresser, where you’d find the bible in any motel.

One Response to “You should hear a recording that says “Good-bye”.”

  1. Danny Says:

    I demand pictures of this large room, and of all the glorious take placings that shall henceforthishly ensue upon such a wonderous contraption as this… floating pornography library.

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