The senior from The Bronx misses the front end of a one and one.

The annual Academy career fair took place yesterday. There were so many companies in attendance that the event overflowed from the gymnasium to the student center. That’s basically all the room we have here. Dressed in my steadily downgrading work clothes (jeans and homemade Willie Nelson tee-shirt for this non-teaching day), I took a few minutes after lunch to check it out.

It turned out to be one of those moments, like graduation or our arrival in Kobe last summer, that made me feel love for my job and the people involved with it. I found most of my seniors moseying around, dressed fancy, looking slightly uneasy. Here, in their quest for maritime employment between two Division III basketball nets, they suddenly seemed young. For a few moments, I was struck by the idea that I might be doing something here beyond amusing myself for twelve hours a week. And they all seemed very happy to see me.
Then, I walked to my office and read celebrity gossip on Yahoo.

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